Calcium Cave In

The logorhythmic ah-spirial [with]in the Cauliflower
the logorhythmic ah-spirial in the horn of the rhinoceros

bending spun wins downs for the further record
spins down wins the bending further up twin

slope elision, muscles masticate flavor
labor gowns les musings, rebel lapses

Symbol of modern life, the chaste peal, bell round
mutilations, warble like the moon, bird on a fig
cascade toward caldera, who could understand

so much hydrology? petting the sea bottom heavy
so much gastronomy, surprising up with a coast
or other hyperbolies, lap lace, wretching

form you late your face to a moustache, tip
types forms your o into a genius, mark.  


  1. And which mark shall make itself know? Exclamatory? Interrogative?

    Chaste of modern life, calcium of middle gastronomy? What study would you make of bird, ocean, mammal?

    Twirl, twirl. Mustachology?

  2. When I was a kid I wanted to study animals, so i went to the library and looked up mamology and found what I would study therein after

  3. Mathematicians have proven that symbol is to cymbal as symbol is to Symbol. Likewise, o is to cymbal as oh is to symbol. They have yet to find the solution for twin The's under the Exit.

  4. The distended article both indicates and refuses. Admitting and prohibiting. My the is to teh as typing is to typists.

  5. The same golden mean, algorithms, and fractals found in so many things and beings. A message, a mystery, evidence of a clock winder flying spaghetti monster?

  6. What impresses me most is how few The's are practiced by our good friend, e.e. cummings:


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